New SEC Rules on Human Capital Disclosures
In February 2020, The Conference Board embarked on a research project to understand how human capital analytics (HCA) affects the worker experience and how companies use HCA. We had no idea how COVID-19 would affect our research but quickly decided to use the results from this prepandemic survey as a baseline to understand how this disruptive event would change how organizations thought of and used data. Nine months later, we conducted a slightly modified survey to measure how COVID-19 changed the way organizations think about workplace experience and HCA.
Workology Podcast: Making Sense of Human Capital ISO Standards
The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) recently introduced new disclosure requirements designed to provide stakeholders insight into human capital. To help us make sense of Human Capital ISO standards, Jessica Miller-Merrell spoke with Zahid Mubarik in podcast 266.
The podcast can be found here
Zahid shares his thoughts on the human capital metrics that will now be part of quarterly SEC reporting.